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Yan Chang Oilfield: Tap the Low Permeability Reservoir Interview with Zhang Lin sen, President and Party Secretary of Yan Chang Oilfield

Long history

Yan Chang Oilfield has three earliest. The first one is that Yan Chang is one of the places which find oil at an early time. (2000 years ago) The second one is that it appeared in the 'Meng Xi Bi Tan' written by the North Song Dynasty scientist Shen Kuo. Shen Kuo wrote in the book, "Oil is from underground, and this material

will be popular in the future". The oil that Shen Kuo referred to is in the Yan Chang region. The third one is that it is the first oilfield of China. In 1905, in a small village named Qi Li Cun, the first oilwell of China was drilled with a capacity of 150L. The oil factory here became the then Man Qing government official oilfield.

Yan Chang was the important resource for the Central Red Army when they arrived the area. The oil was made into candles for lighting. The oil was also made into printing ink. Zhang Lin sen told reporter proudly, uYan Chang had made great contribution to the people's war of liberation and the war of resistance agaisnt Japan."

Yan Chang transmitted oil and gas to Chang Qing, Yu Men, and Da Qing before. Later, it is under administration of oil ministry in 1950s. It is under administration of Shan Xi province in 1960s, of Yan An city in 1970s, of Shan Xi province again in 1980s. Deng Xiao ping said: "the step of reform should be bigger, the thought should be more open" when he made his Southern tour. Yan Chang Oilfield began its rapid development since then.


       提起延长油田,不能不提及她的 “三”。第一 ”最”:延长是史上 最早发现和利用石油的地方之一(距 2000多年前的延安一带)第二 "最”:史上最早定义"石油”一 词,首次出现在北宋科学家沈括的科 学巨著(梦溪笔谈》中,他提油至多,生于地中无穷,此物后必大 行于世”的预言,亦出自陕西延长一 带:第三"最”:中国石油最早工业 化生产的延长油田的前身 延长油矿,早在1907年,在延长西门外打 出第一口井,成为我国陆上的第一口 油井,日产原油150~200公斤,此井 的出油,结束了中国陆上不产石油的 历史。

       当年中央红军长征到陕北,位于陕 甘宁边区的延长油矿成了边区的重要工 业资源,延长油矿的石油曾提炼成石 腊,做成腊烛供边区领导使用。做成油墨成为红军印刷、制币的重要原料,提 炼成煤油供边区人民照明。延长油田股 份有限公司黄事长张林森无比自豪地告 诉记者,“延长油矿为毛主席在延安, 为中国的抗日战争和解放战争都曾做出 过很大页献° ”

       延长油田曾先后为长庆,玉门、大 庆等油田输送了大量的人才。后因为体 制改变,50年代延长油田被划归到石 油部。1958年归陕西省管辖,1966年 6月延长油田又被划归到延安市,1998 年再次易主陕西省管辖,90年代邓小 平同志南巡讲话,希望"改革的思想再 解放,步伐再加大”,延长油田开始真 正兴起,可以说延长油田发展驶入快车 道始于改革开放。

Tap the low

permeability reservoir

Yan Chang Oilfield is a low permeability reservoir located in Ordos basin. Its demonstrated reserves reaches 516 million ton. The oilfield is in it gold period.

"Soviet Union once helped us to search oil in 1950s. However, it is Chinese people who produces the oil." Zhang Lin sen told reporter that many people think that it is difficult for Yan Chang Oilfield to reach the annual capacity of a million ton. Actually, after the recent ten year's quick development, Yan Chang Oilfield has reached an annual capacity of ten million ton. It surprised several academicians on the celebration party of Yan Chang Oilfield.

    The famous low permeability expert Wang Nai ju believes Yan Chang Oilfield has entered a new stage of scientific development. It developed a series of technologies with its own characteristics, such as non-seismic geophysical and geochemical technology, cluster well spacing technology, fracturing reconstruction technology and secondary oil recovery technology.




      延长油田地处鄂尔多斯盆地东部, 属于特低滲透油田,历经勘採开发, 截止2008年底累计探明各类地质储量 157779.22万吨,动用储量161381万 吨,累计生产原油7215万吨。

1916年,美国人用了两年时间在 延长一带进行勘探,结论是“没有开 采价值” o紧接着日本人在延长进行 长达三年的者察,最后同样认为“这里没有石油” 。

"进入50年代,前苏联也曾经帮 助我们找过油,而真正把油开采出来的 还是中国人自己。也许这正应验了一 句话,世界上没有完全相同的两口油 井。"张林森董事长告诉记者,很多人 对延长油田抱有成见,他们认为这样的 油田能产百万吨原油已经不错了。而事 实上,延长油田通过近十年快速发展年产已经达到千万吨。在召开延长油田 出油100周年庆祝大会中,几位国家院 士都认为实现千万吨的生产量是一件不 可思议的事情,惊喜之余还不忘查看他 们的生产报表。

全球特低滲透油田有加拿大、美国 和中国。中国延长油田历经百余年, 走出了自己特有的发展道路。美国的 低渗透技术发展20多年,加拿大低滲 透技术发展了45年。我国著名特低 滲透油田开发专家王乃举认为,从勘 探开发的技术水平来看.延长油田正 在进入科学发展的新阶段。目前延长 油田已形成了非地晨物化採技术、丛 式井钻井技术、油层复合压裂改造技 术、注水二次采油技术等具有延长特 色的技术系列。

Secure ten

million ton capacity

Shan Xi oil group will make greater contribution to China oil and petrochemical industry. Sales at the end of the 11th "five-year-plan" will reach a hundred billion RMB, and two hundred billion RMB in 12th “five-year- plan". Yan Chang will focus on oil and develop petroleum and petrochemical business at the same time. In future, it will utilize oil, gas, coal and salt in a comprehensive way.

Zhang Lin sen told reporter in the interview that Yan Chang will build several methanol and ethanol factories in Yii Lin area. When those projects are finished, we may expect an annual sales revenue of 200 billion RMB. Yan Chang can be ranked in top 50 in China then.

Yan Chang Oilfield wants to secure its ten million ton annual production. How can they maintain this production in 10-20 years from such a small area of 10000 square kilometers?

Zhang Lin sen is quite confident about that. He said they can achieve the goal through technical innovation to raise the oil recovery rate. Yan Chang Oilfield will be constructed into a large oilfield with its own characteristics. "We need to pay more attention to environment and at the same time secure our economic profit.M

保住一千亿 剑指两千亿

陕西延长石油集团力争要将延长 油田建成国内一流标准化大油田,为 中国石油石化工业做出更大的页献。“十一五”末,延长集团计划总体目标 销售收入达到一千亿元,••十二五”要 达到两千亿元。延长将主要以油气为基 础,油化并举,未来实现油、气、煤、 盐综合利用。

在采访中,张林森向记者透露,延 长集团正在延安、榆林地区建设各类化 工基地,生产甲醇、乙酔、乙烯、醋酸 等,特别是杨庄河建立的石油石化深加 工基地即将建成投运。这些大的工程项 目建成,能够实现2千亿元销售收入, 延长石油就可以进入中国的50强。

       现在,延长油田的发展目标,是稳 1000万吨。而据记者了解,延长油 田这个区块只有1万多平方公里,那么 如何通过这仅有的1万多平方公里的面 积在10年至20年间,来保住这1000万 吨的产量呢?张林森董事长回答得很有自信,他 们将通过技术改造、老井修复、老油田 的设施建设等措施,通过技术的不断提 升,以提高采收率来提高油井的利用 率。延长油田要建设国内一流标准化的 大油田,在这个标准基础上,从勘探到 开发、管输、原油生产加工等,在中国 走出一个特低滲透油田这样新型油田的 特色道路。“因此我们不仅要打好基 础,更注重节能环保,还要确保提高经 济效益。

       据记者了解,陕西延长石油集团还 逐步实施产一业结构调整,大力发展装 备制造业,延长石油机械装备制造就 是其中重点项目之一。该项目于今年1 月8日开工建设,总投资达5亿元。采 用国内同类产品最先进的机械制造加 工技术,严格按照国家行W最高标准 进行建设,将建成陕北最大的石油机 械装备制造加工基地,填补陕西省大 型节能抽油机、HY超高强度抽油杆、 过滤器、采气井口装置等产品制造的 空白。

Bring in and go out

Yan Chang Oilfield pays a lot attention to the introduction of new technologies. A few days before, Yan Chang Oilfield held a new technology exhibition to introduce new technologies and products.

Zhang Lin sen finally summarized his talk. First, we will introduce new technologies and techniques to raise the oil recovery rate. Second, environmental protection is very important. We will introduce more environmental friendly technologies. In future, you will see sandstone road instead of soil road. Yan Chang Oilfield pumps 50000 cubic meter water from underground. Waste water treatment is a strategic problem. Tt is urgent. Three years later, this problem should be well solved. Third, we will put more energy and money on talents. We will introduce talents and cultivate talents. We will provide a better stage tor the talents.

"The new technology exhibition is fruitful. First, we changed our old thought that only knows hardworking. Second, we knows a lot of new technologies and new products from the exhibition/, Zhang Lin sen said, "We will cooperate with professional corporations. We will communicate with experts. We will also send our technical personnel to other companies to learn from them."

       It is known by tlie reporter that there are more than 1200 drilling corporations in Yan Chang. Most of them are private companies. Yan Chang Oilfield will establish a drilling corporation in 2009. It will become a powerful company. Tn future, it will not only take the drilling projects from domestic oil companies, but also the projects from foreign countries like Madagascar and Tliailand. It will develop the international market with its advanced 


       实现千万吨产里,不仅要对老油田 进行技术改造,在引进新技术,新产品 方面延长油田亦非常重视。日前,由延 长油田股份有限公司主办,旨在"广泛 引进、科学评估、择忧试验、注重效 益”的延长油田首届新技术交流展览 会,目的就在于引进和试验推广新产 品、新技术。

张林森董事长在会上胸有成竹地进 行了总结。第一,通过新技术、新工 艺提高采收率,不断改进和推进实现 油田增产増效。第二,环保建设和节 能是建设国内环保型大油田的一项根 本性的措施,要从根本上解决问题, 就要提高环保、节能设备、套管、油管,以及电的节能技术。未来在延长油田,看到的将不再是黄土路,取而 代之的是石子路。他具体举例,延长 油田每天从地下抽出近5万平方的污 水,地下每天亏水接近7~8千甚至上 万方,因此,污水处理及回注是一个 持久的、战略性的问题,加之北方水 源缺乏,这是当务之急,必须要解决 的技术问题。“通过技术上的改进, 再过三年,延长油田就会采油看不到 油,注水看不到水,油会顺着管线 走,水会在地下流。第三,要重视 和加强人力资源的开发,加大投资。 企业要大发展,必须引进各类人才, 要善于发现人才,培养人才,给人才 提供广阔的发展空间。

       “延长油田首届新技术交流展览会 收获很大。首先,通过此次会议,开拓 了我们的视野、转变了旧的思想观念、 改变了过去只埋头苦干的做法。其次, 使我们了解到更多的新技术、新工艺、 新产品,为与有关专业公司今后的合作 奠定了基础。-张林森董事长强调说:“我们今后会和先进专业公司,专家教 授进行更多交流和探讨,更多地引进新 技术。我们还将派出班子成员,包括各 采油厂、相关技术人员走出去考察学 习,不仅学习他们的成果应用情况,还 将其先进技术带回延长油田做试验,不 断推广

        据了解,目前延长有大小钻机 1200多部,大多是民营性质,延长油 田2009年成立的延长钻井公司,将进 一步规范这个庞大的钻井市场,提高民 管企业的整体钻井技术,建成有实力的 钻井公司。未来不仅可以承包国内油公 司钻井工程,还要走出国门,比如去马 达加斯加、泰国等地承包钻井工程,用 世界一流的设备和技术开拓更加广阔的国际市场。


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Keywords关键词:Yanchang OilfieldTap the Low Permeability Reservoir;Long history;Tap the low permeability reservoir;Secure ten million ton capacity;Bring in and go out延长油田;百年沧桑;走低渗透油气之路保住一千亿 剑指两千亿引进来与走出去

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