ccsc-clients-from-Malaysia grease-injection-for-plug-valve MT-test-for-body UT-test-for-body ccsc-wellhead-production-base ccsc-visual-check-before-packing hardness-test-bvi-tpi ccsc-packing-cases ccsc-designer choke manifold platform offshore drilling equipments ccsc-wellhead-production-base-2 plug-valve-manifold-in-north-america offshore-oil-gas-equipment-solutions 3-head-burner-boom CCSC FRAC HEAD sand filter sand catcher hammer union CCSC OFFSHORE WELL TEST plug valve pup joint flowline pipe CCSC FRAC TREE surface safety valve frac-tree-in-north-america flow-line-pipe-in-north-america drilling choke manifold china-rcd-rotating-control-device hydraulic-test ccsc-clients-from-thailand shale gas frac valve subsea-wellhead-connector ccsc-well-testing-multiphase-flow-meter well testing surface safety valve ccsc-frac-valves clark-rotating-control-device

Offshore Oil Drilling, Oil Production Engineering Technology and Equipment (2)

Offshore oil drilling, completion and oil production engineering equipment is the key means necessary for drilling, completion and oil extraction of exploration and development wells; mastering the technology of these equipment and the drilling and completion oil extraction technology is the key to obtaining offshore oil and gas. The author has accumulated nearly 40 years of practical experience in offshore oil exploration, development equipment design, manufacturing and engineering management, compiled a book, and published it exclusively in our journal in stages, hoping to help my country to further expand offshore oil and gas exploration and development." The following content An excerpt from the introduction to the book "Offshore Oil Drilling and Oil Production Engineering Technology and Equipment" (3) Introduction to the Preface of the book "Technology and Equipment" (3).

海洋石油钻井、完井采油工程装备,是勘探、开发井的钻井、完井釆油必需的关键手段;掌握这 些装备的技术及钻井、完井釆油工艺技术,是获取海洋油气的关键所在。笔者积近四十年海洋石油勘 探、开发装备设计、制造与工程管理的实践经验总结编撰成书,并分期在我刊独家刊登,希望对我国 进一步扩大海洋油气勘探、开发有所邦助”以下内容节选自《海洋石油钻井采油工程。(3)技术与装备》一 书序言概论(三).

Offshore Oil Drilling, Oil Production Engineering Technology and Equipment

——The development history of the world's marine drilling and completion oil production technology (Part 2)

海洋石油钻井 采油工程技术与装备


 Liao Mosheng/China Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering Research Society廖漠圣/中国石油和石化工程研究会

Offshore Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Professional Committee海洋石油和化工工程专业委员会 






In 1997, China National Offshore Oil Corporation South China Sea The cooperation between the oilfield operator of I East Company and its partners, in the 15/11 contract block of Xijiang 24-1 oilfield located 130 kilometers southeast of Hong Kong, successfully drilled Xijiang 24-3-A14 block on Xijiang 24-3 platform Displacement well, the drilling depth of this well is 9,238 meters (oblique depth), setting a world record of horizontal displacement of 8,062.7 meters. After completion, the deepest open-hole production interval reaches 961 meters (oblique depth), and the daily crude oil production is stable at about 1,113 meters. (7000bl/d) 

1997年,中国海洋石油总公司南海东部公司油田作业者与其伙伴的合 作,在位于离香港东南130千米的西 江24—1油田的15/11合同区块,在西 江24—3平台上 +顺利钻成西江24—3— A14大位移井,该井完钻深度为9,238 米(斜深),创水平位移为8,062.7 的世界纪录,完井后,裸眼产层段最深 &961米(斜深),日产原油稳定在 约 1,113米'(7000bl/d).



In the same year, BP set another world record with a horizontal displacement of 10,113.57 meters and a vertical depth of 1,605.08 meters. The ratio of water level displacement to vertical depth was fflHD/TVD=6.3.

同年,英国石油公司再创水平位 移达10,113.57米的世界纪录,其垂直 深度为1,605.08米,水位位移与垂深比fflHD/TVD=6.3.

In 1997, the world's first drilling rig drawworks with a maximum power of 5.000HP and a turntable with a diameter of L637 mm (60 1/2 in) were manufactured by the American Continental Company (EMSCO); in May 1998 It was launched at the OTC meeting in May, for the Discoverer Enterprise 11, the world's most advanced 100,000-ton ocean-going drillship at the time, with a hook load of 2 x 907.41.

1997年,由美国大陆艾姆斯科公 司(EMSCO )制造出当时世界上第一 台最大功率为5.000HP的钻机绞车和通 径为L637毫米(60 1/2 in )的转盘; 于1998年5月,在OTC会议上推出, 用于当时世界上最先进的、排水量为 10万t的"发现者企业号(Discoverer Enterprise)11远洋钻井船,该钻机的钩 载为2 x 907.41.

In 1997, the fourth-generation multiplexed subsea drilling control system appeared in Camron Corporation of the United States.

1997年,第四代多路传输海底钻 井控制系统在美国卡姆伦公司出现.

In 1998, the second generation truss (truss) Spar platform "Nanss" was put into service.

1998年,第二代桁架型(truss ) Spar平台"Nanss”号投入使用.

In 1998, the world developed a new casing program for drilling operations in water depths of 1,524m-2,042m (5,000 6-700ft). The diameter of the casing that goes into the seabed is 914.4mm (36in), 660mm (26in), 508mm (20in), 406.4mm (16in), 346mm (13 5/8in), 298.5mm (11 3/4in), 244.5mm (9 5/8), 193.7$m (7 5/Bin) and 165mm (6 1/2in) .

1998年,世界上为在1,524米 -2,042(5,000 6r700ft )水深进 行钻井作业,发展了新的套管程序。 其下入海底的套管直径依次为914.4 亳米(36in )、660 4$米(26in)、 508毫米(20in)、406.4毫米(16in)、 346毫米(13 5/8 in)、298.5亳米(11 3/4in)、244.5毫米(9 5/8)、193.7$米(7 5/Bin) 165毫米(6 1/2in).

In 1998, Noble Drilling set a record for working water depths of 2,305 meters for floating drilling.

1998年,Noble钻井公司创造了浮 式钻井工作水深达2,305米的纪录.

On November 18h, 1998, the East China Sea Pinghu Oil and Gas Field supplied gas to the Shanghai Pudong Natural Gas Processing Plant (the gas was supplied to the downstream on April 8 of the same year), announcing the completion of the East China Sea Pinghu Oil and Gas Field Project, ending the history of China’s East China Sea not producing oil and natural gas.

1998年11月18日中国东海平湖油气田向上海浦东天然气处理厂供气 (同年4月8日向下游供气),宣告东 海平湖油气田工程的建成,结束了中国 东海不生产石油和天然气的历史.

In 1999, the newly developed Hitoco AHD drilling rigs with a power of 6,600hp and a drawworks were installed in 1999 and 2000, respectively, with a working water depth of 2,590 meters (8,500ft) and a drilling source capacity of 10,70. Meter (35,000ft) "SEDCO EXPRESS", "SEDCO ENERGY" and "CAJUN EXPRESS" three semi-submersibles of the same type on the drilling platform.

1999年,新发展绞车駆动功率为 6,600hp的Hitoco AHD型钻机分别配 套于1999年和2000年建成的工作水 深为2,590米(8,500ft),钻源能力为 10,70。米(35,000ft)的"赛德柯•快 捷号(SEDCO EXPRESS ) ”“赛 德枸.能源号(SEDCO ENERGY)" 和“卡江•快捷号(CAJUN EXPRESS) ”三艘类型相同的半潜式钻井平台上.

On January 25, 1999, a FMC/CBV subsea tree was installed by Petrobras in the Roncador oil field offshore Brazil, creating a record for subsea oil production at a water depth of 1853 meters.

1999年1月25日,巴西国家石油公 司(Petrobras )安装的一个FMC /CBV 海底采油树于巴西近海的Roncador油田,创造海底采油工作水深达1853米的纪录.

In the spring of 1999, the French company TOTAL set another record of drilling horizontal displacement of 10,585 meters in Argentina.

1999年春,法国道达尔公司 (TOTAL )在阿根廷,再创钻井水平位移达10.585米的纪录.

On May 3, 1999, Camron Corporation put the world's first subsea oil production system with a working pressure of 105Mpa (15.000PSI) into subsea oil production.

1999年5月3日,卡姆伦公司将 世界上第一个工作压力达105Mpa (15.000PSI)的海底采油系统投入海底采油.

In March 2000, the "Navis Explorer 1" drilling pontoon built by Samsung Shipyard in South Korea has a working water depth of 3,048 meters (10,000ft) and a drilling depth of 11,000 meters (36,000ft). The deepest at that time: the main dimension of the boat is 201 meters long x 40 meters wide x 19.5 meters deep; variable load 15,000. Living module can live 130 people; rig main winch power is Hitcc AHD 6,600hp.

2000年3月,由韩国三星船厂建 成的“海军勘探者1号(Navis Explorer 1) ”钻井浮船,其工作水深为3,048 米(10,000ft),钻深能力为11,000米 (36,000ft),均为当时最深者:船的 主尺度长201米x宽40米x型深19.5 米;可变载荷15,000.生活模块可住 130人;钻机主绞车功率为Hitcc AHD 6,600hp.

At the end of 2000, in the Walker Ridge Sea area of the Gulf of Mexico, oil drilling was carried out by BHP Oil Company, creating a record of 2,695 meters of water depth for offshore oil drilling.

2000年末,在美国墨西哥湾的 Walker Ridge海区,由BHP石油公司逬行石油钻井,创造海洋石油钻井工作水 深达2,695米的纪录.

A 7,200hp AHC-75 made by National-Oilwell-Dreco in 2000. -The GE type drilling rig winch is equipped with the "NAVIS EXPLORER I" built by Samsung Shipyard in South Korea.

2000年,美国国民油井公司 (National-Oilwell-Dreco )制造的 7,200hp的AHC - 75。-GE型钻机绞车装 备于由韩国三星船厂建造的"纳维斯勘 探者I号(NAVIS EXPLORER I ).


In 2001, the deepest offshore oil production well was recorded: 7,088.73 meters, which was set by Shell Offshore Oil Company's A-4 Well in the Garden Banks Block 602 of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)-G11 553 ((( W0) February 2003 issue).

2001年,海洋采油井最深记 录:达7,088.73米,是壳牌近海 (Shell Offshore)石油公司在外陆架 (OCS)-G11 553 的花园礁(Garden Banks)602区块的A-4井创造的记录 ((W0) 2003年2月号报导).

On October 28, 2001, United Petroleum Corporation used the transoceanic "Sedco Forex Discoverer" pontoon to operate the No. 2 well in the Alamions Canyon 903 block in the Gulf of Mexico, setting a new record of water depth of 2,964.8 meters.

2001年10月28日 ,美国联合 石油公司用越洋"Sedco Forex Discoverer"号浮船在墨西哥湾的 Alamions Canyon 903区块之二号井, 再创水深达2,964.8米的纪录.

On December 12B, 2001, the American Marathon (Mcfgd) oil company used Noble's drilling rig to set a drilling depth record of 8,087 meters in the Garden Banks block 515 (E&P Magazine, March 2003) report).

2001年12月12B ,美国马拉松 (Mcfgd)石油公司用Noble的钻井装置 在花园礁(Garden Banks)515区块,创 造了垂深为8,087米的钻深纪录(美国 (E&P)杂志2003年3月号报导).

At the end of 2001, the world's largest oil production barge "uGirassol" (BFPSO), which was put into production in Girassol oilfield offshore Angola, had a deadweight of 343,000t, a crude oil storage capacity of 318,000m3 (2r000f000bbl), and an operating water depth of L350m: / Designed by Buoygues Offshore/Stolt Offshore, built by Hyundai Heavy Industries, Korea; operated by Total Fina Elf, France, with 23 producing wells , 14 water injection wells and 2 gas lift production wells. Its production processing capacity is: crude oil 31,800 m3/d (200,000bopd), natural gas 300 million m'/d (106Mcfgd), compressed natural gas 800 million m3/d (283 Mcfgd ), the water treatment capacity is 286,200 m"d (180r000bpd), the water injection capacity is 620,000 m3/d (390,000bpd); the living module can accommodate 140 people; the main dimensions of the hull: 300m long, 59.44m wide; with 16 points mooring system.

2001年末投入安哥拉近海的 Girassol油田采油的当时世界最大的 采油驳船 uGirassol"号(BFPSO), 其载重量高达343,000t,原油储存能 力31.8万米3 (2r000f000bbl),操作水 深L350米:由波依格/斯脱尔特近海公 司(Buoygues Offshore/Stolt Offshore) 设计、韩国现代重工建造;操作者为 法国道达尔-菲纳-埃尔夫石油公司 (Total Fina Elf),该油由有23口生 产井、14口注水井和2口气举生产井。 其生产处理能力为:原油31,800米3/ d(200,000bopd),天然气300百万米'/ d(106Mcfgd),压缩天然气800百万米 7d (283 Mcfgd ),水处理能力28.62 万米"d ( 180r000bpd ),注水能力62 万米3/d (390,000bpd);生活模块可居 住140人;船体主尺度:长300米,宽 59.44米;具有16点锚泊系统.

In 2002, the third-generation cell Spar platform "Rad Hawk" was put into use.

2002年,第三代分筒集束型(cell ) Spar平台“红鹰(Rad Hawk)”号投入 使用.

On April 4, 2002, the drilling device of the Transocean Sedco Forex 11 platform used by Chevron Corporation of the United States created a drilling depth record with a vertical depth of 8,659 meters in Block 640 of Green Canyon; in the same year, It broke its record at Block 640, drilling to a vertical depth of 9,210 meters.

2002年4月4日,美国雪佛龙 (Chevron)公司用 ,Transocean Sedco Forex11号平台的钻井装置在绿 色峡谷(Green Canyon)640号区块创造 了垂深为8,659米的钻深纪录;同年, 在该640号区块打破了其创造的纪录, 钻井垂深达9,210米.

In the fall of 2002, Mcfgd Petroleum Company successfully completed subsea well completion in Block 348, 225 kilometers (140 miles) southeast of Naw Orleans, USA, at a water depth of 2,196 meters.

2002年秋季,马拉松(Mcfgd)石油 公司在美国新奥尔良(Naw Orleans)东 南225千米(140英里)海域的348区块、 水深为2,196米,成功进行了海底完井 作业.

In 2002, the company produced oil in the Great White oil field (Great White) Alamions Canyan 857 block in the Gulf of Mexico, with a water depth of 2,441 meters (8,009 ft).

2002年,売牌公司在墨西哥湾的 大白油田(Great White ) Alamions Canyan 857区块,水深为2,441米 (8,009ft)进行采油.

In 2002, the world's deepest jack-up drilling rigs "Maersk Innovator" and "Maersk XL2" were built. The designed working water depth was 150 meters (492ft). , The drilling depth is 9,144 meters (30,000ft).

2002年建成当时世界上设计工作 水深最深的自升式钻井平台“玛士基 创新者号(Maersk Innovator)"和“玛 士基 XL2号(Maersk XL2 ”。其设计 工作水深为150米(492ft)、钻深能力为 9,144米(30,000ft).

In 2003, the fifth-generation semi-submersible platform designed by Friede & Goldman EXD Company of the United States Development Driller No. 1 and No. 2 [ "Development Driller 1 (originally named Rig 184) " & MDevelopmentDriller 2 (originally named Rig 185) "], its working water depth is 2,286 meters (7,500ft), the drilling depth is 11,430 meters (37,500ft); the variable load is 7,0001; the living module can accommodate 152 people; the main drawworks of the drilling rig is AC frequency conversion 7,000hp.

2003年,美国弗哥s(Friede & Goldman)EXD公司设计的第五 代半潜平台开发钻工1号和2号〔 "Development Driller 1(原名Rig 184) " & MDevelopmentDriller 2(原 名Rig 185)"〕,其工作水深为2,286 米(7,500ft )、钻深能力11,430米 (37,500ft);可变载荷7,0001;生活模 块可住152人;钻机主绞车为交流变频 7,000hp.

In 2003, the large-scale and advanced semi-submersible drilling platforms with the deepest drilling depth in the world, "Global Santa Fe (GSF) Development Driller 1 (GSF Development Driller 1)" and "Global Santa Fe (GSF)" were built in 2003. Global SantaFe, referred to as GSF) Development Driller 2 (GSF Development Driller 2)”. It has an operating water depth of 2,286 meters (7,500ft) and a drilling capacity of 11,1430 meters (37,500ft).

2003年建成当时世界上钻井深 度最深的大型、先进的半潜式钻井平台"全球圣塔菲(Global SantaFe, 简称GSF)开发钻井者1号(GSF Development Driller 1)"和"全球圣 塔菲(Global SantaFe,简称GSF)开发钻 井者2号(GSF Development Driller 2) ”。其c为2,286米(7,500ft)、 钻深能力为11,1430米(37,500ft)。该两同型号平台均由新加坡Jurong船厂建造.

In 2003, the world's largest pontoon-type FPS was built. The "Agbami" is used for oil production in the Agbami oilfield offshore Nigeria: its designed deadweight is up to 400,000t, its crude oil storage capacity is 318,000m3 (2f000f000bbl), and its working water depth is 1,500m. The designed production and processing capacity is: crude oil 31,800 m3/d (200,000bopd), natural gas 736 million m3/d (260 Mcfgd), and production water treatment capacity 19,000-80,000 m'/d (120.000bpd) .

2003年,建成当时世界最大的浮船式FPS。"Agbami"号,用于尼 日利亚近海Agbami油田采油:其设 计载重量高达400,000t,原油储存能 力31.8万米3 (2f000f000bbl),工作水 深1,500米。设计生产处理能力为: 原油31,800米3/d(200,000bopd), 天然气736百万米3/d(260 Mcfgd), 生产水的处理能力1.908万米'/d (120.000bpd ).

In 2003, the "Bob palmer" with the deepest design working water depth in the world was built > jack-up platform, hull length 88.7 x width 102.4 x depth 11.6 meters; working water depth 167.6 meters (550ft); Drilling depth of 10,668 meters(35,000ft) .

2003年建成当时世界上设计工 作水深最深的《波勃.帕尔麦号(Bob palmer) >自升式平台,船体长88.7 x 宽1 02.4 x型深11.6米;工作水深 167.6米(550ft);钻深能力 10,668米(35,000ft)o。

In mid-February 2003, Chevron-Detugu Company used the "Discser Deep Sea" drilling ship to drill through the water depth of 3,000 meters in the Gulf of Mexico, reaching 3,051.35 meters.

2003年2月中旬,雪佛龙-德土古公 司用“深海发现者号(Discser Deep Sea)” 钻井船,在美国墨西哥湾,钻井工作水深 突破3,000米,达3,051.35米.

In 2004, the Magnolia Tension Leg (TLP) platform used in the Gulf of Mexico was operating in record water depths of L425 meters.

2004年,在墨西哥湾使用的 -Magnolia号"张力腿(TLP )平台的 工作水深达创纪录的L425米.

In 2004, Dominicn Petroleum's -Devils" Spar platform was used in the Gulf of Mexico in a record water depth of 1,710 meters.

2004年,在墨西哥湾使用的 Dominicn石油公司 的-Devils" Spar平台的工作水深达创纪录的1,710 米.

In 2004, the deepest working water depth of the world's offshore oil exploration drilling was 3,095 meters.

2004年,世界海洋石油勘探钻井 的最深工作水深达3,095米.

In 2005, the Drilling Top Drive System (TDS) was capable of drilling to a depth of 15,240 meters (50,000ft).

2005年,钻井顶部驱动系统 (TDS )适应钻井深度能力达15,240米 (50,000ft).

In 2004, the deepest working water depth of the world's offshore oil exploration drilling was 3,095 meters.

2004年,世界海洋石油勘探钻井 的最深工作水深达3,095米.

In 2005, BP's ^Thunder Hors" semi-submersible oil production platform carried out oil production in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) at a working water depth of 1.844 meters.

2005年,英国石油公司(BP)的 ^Thunder Hors"号半潜式采油平台在 墨西哥湾(GoM)工作水深1.844米进行 采油作业.

Later in 2005, the Knotty Head well in Block 512 in the Green Canyon of the US Gulf of Mexico set a record for the deepest ultra-deep well drilling (UDD) with a drilling vertical depth of 10,420.8 meters, at the same time breaking the record set earlier in the same year in the Gulf of Mexico. The UDD record of a vertical depth of 9,975.2 meters ((W0) October 2006 P-23).

2005年晚些时间,在美国墨西 哥湾绿色峡谷512区块的Knotty Head 井,创造了钻井垂深达10,420.8米的 超深井钻井(UDD)最深纪录,同时,打 破了同年早些时候在墨西哥湾创造的 垂深9,975.2米的UDD纪录(( W0) 2006年 10月号 P-23).

In 2006, the ttAtantisH semi-submersible oil production platform of British Petroleum (BP) carried out oil production in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) at a working water depth of 2,146 meters.

2006年英国石油公司(BP)的 ttAtantisH号半潜式采油平台在墨西 哥湾(GoM)工作水深2,146米进行采油作业.

2006 BBM/IMO0C0's "Capilba" FPSO operates in a water depth of 2,005 meters offshore Brazil.

2006 BBM/IMO0C0公司的 "Capilba"号FPSO在巴西近海工作水 深2,005米进行采油作业.

In 2006, U.S. rig ownership reached its second-highest ever in U.S. history. The specific performance is as follows: US drilling rigs increased by 272 sets, rising from 2,026 sets in 2005 to 2,298 sets in 2006: During this period, 119 sets disappeared due to factors such as phase-out and overseas flow, so the actual net increase 391 sets.

2006年,美国钻机拥有量创美 国有史以来第二个新高。其具体表现 是:美国钻机增加272台套,从2005年 的2,026台套上升至2006年的2,298台 套:在此期间,由于淘汰及向国外流 动等因素消失了 119台套,故实际净增 391台套.

According to the statistics of the 12th issue of <W0> 2006 in November 2006, the total number of new orders and construction of offshore oil mobile drilling platforms was 107 (including 12 drilling ships, 31 semi-submersible drilling platforms, and jack-up drilling platforms). There are 61 platforms and 3 other types of drilling platforms), reaching a new high, compared with the total number of new orders and construction of offshore oil mobile drilling platforms in the 12th issue of <WO> 2003 (including 6 drilling ships). , 18 semi-submersible drilling platforms and 16 jack-up drilling platforms) increased by 1-58 times. Among them, drilling ships increased by 100%. Semi-submersible drilling platforms increased by 72% and jack-up drilling platforms increased by 281%.

<W0> 2006年第12期于2006 年11月统计的海洋石油移动式钻井 平台新定货和正建造的总数共107艘 (包括钻井船12艘,半潜式钻井平台 31艘,自升式钻井平台61股,其它类 型的钻井平台3艘),达到了新高,比 <WO> 2003年第12期统计的海洋石 油移动式钻井平台新定货和正建造的 总数共为40艘(包括钻井船6艘,半潜 式钻井平台18艘,自升式钻井平台16 艘)增长了 1一58倍。其中钻井船增长了 100%.半潜式钻井平台增长了72%、 自升式钻井平台增长了 281%.

In 2007, the semi-submersible ultra-deepwater platform producing oil in the Gulf of Mexico operated at a record depth of 2,434 meters (8,000ft).

2007年,在墨西哥湾采油的半潜 式超深水采油平台的工作水深达创纪录 的2,434米(8,000ft).

On November 160, 2007, the 12,000-meter oil drilling rig with completely independent intellectual property rights developed by my country Baoji Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. was successfully rolled off the production line.

2007年11月160,由我国宝鸡石油 机械有限公司研制、具有完全自主知识 产权的12,000米石油钻机成功下线.

In 2007, 2,160 subsea oil trees were put into use in subsea well completion operations around the world.

2007年,全世界投入海底完井 操作使用的海底釆油树数量(个)达 2,160 个.

In 2008, the first under-construction hybrid Spar (Hybrid Spar) triangular cylindrical deep-draft ATP Titan platform was planned for the Mirage field in the Gulf of Mexico.

2008年,第一个正在建造中的混 合式Spar ( Hybrid Spar)三角形园柱 体深吃水ATP大力士(ATP Titan}号平 台,计划用于墨西哥湾Mirage油田.

In 2008, the Haiyang Shiyou No. 981 semi-submersible drilling platform with a working water depth of 3,000 meters designed by Friede & Goldman ExD and my country 708 was put into construction at Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipyard.

2008年,由弗哥曼(Friede & Goldman )ExD与我国708所设计的海 洋石油981号3,000米工作水深的半潜 式钻井平台在上海外高桥造船厂投入 建造.

In 2008, at the Buntal exploration well offshore Sabah, Malaysia, the "Ocean Rover" semi-submersible platform used 8 anchors each with 2 10t anchors, creating a mooring depth of 8,431 generations (2,568 8m) current deepest record (<WO) 0807p31).

2008年,在马来西亚沙巴 (Sabah )近海约Buntal勘探井,"大 洋漫游者号(Ocean Rover) ”半潜式 平台用8点各为2个10t的锚、创造了锚 泊水深达8,431代(2,568一8米)的当前最 深纪录(<WO) 0807p31).

From June to July 2008, the world oil price hit a record high of US$147 per barrel, and then quickly dropped to a low of around US$40 per barrel at the end of the year, showing a typical portrayal of the unprecedented ups and downs in history and the arrival of the world financial crisis.

2008年6〜7月,世界油价达创纪录 的每桶147美元,之后,又迅速下跌至 年底最低每桶40美元左右,呈现了历 史空前的大起大落和世界金融危机到来 的典型写照.

In 2009, the Perdido ^ water oilfield development project of Bing Oil Company in the Xingxi Gulf of America, the large-diameter horizontal Christmas tree provided by FMC Company, its workpiece water depth reached 2.852 meters (9,356 ft), breaking the 2-mile water depth. Record (<WO) 0903p13).

2009年舂,売牌石油公司在美 国星西哥湾的perdido^水油田开发 项目,由FMC公司提供的大口径水 平采油树,其工件水深达2.852米 (9,356ft),突破了2英里水深的纪录 (<WO) 0903p13).

At the end of June 2009, the world's first cylindrical dynamic positioning semi-submersible drilling, production and oil storage platform "Shefan Driller" was undertaken by my country COSCO Shipping & Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Qidong) in detail design, construction design and construction. No. (SEVAN DRILLER ) "completed towed out of the factory. SEVAN DRILLER has a working water depth of 3,658 meters (12,500 ft), the deepest in the world, and a drilling depth of 12,000 meters (40,000 ft), the deepest in the world. : The oil storage capacity is 103,300 m3 (650,000bbl) o The platform was contracted in March 2007. The owner, SEVAN, provided the conceptual design, and was constructed and constructed beside the Yinyangbin seaside shipyard in Qidong, Jiangsu.

2009年6月末,由我国中远船务 海洋工程有限公司(江苏启东)承担 详细设计、施工设计和建造的世界首 艦圆筒形动力定位半潜式钻井、生 产、储油平台"舍凡钻工号(SEVAN DRILLER )"完工拖航出厂。SEVAN DRILLER号工作水深达世界最深的 3,658米(12,500ft),钻井深度也达世 界最深的12,000米(40,000ft)、圆筒 形半潜平台筒径下部75米、顶部85 米、筒体高36.5米:储油能力10.33万 m3(650,000bbl ) o 该平台于2007年3 月笠合同,业主挪威舍凡公司(SEVAN) 提供概念设计,在江苏启东寅洋滨海边建船厂边施工建造完成的.



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Keywords关键词:海洋石油钻井;油工程技术与装备;多路传输海底钻井;控制系统;套管程序;半潜式钻井平台;海底采油系 统分筒集束型(cell ) Spar平台;新发展绞车駆动功率;注水井;钻深能 力.

                         Offshore oil drilling;Oil Production Engineering Technology;Multiplexed Subsea Drilling Control System;cannula procedure;semi- submersible drilling  platform;Subsea oil production system;Cell Spar Platform;Newly developed winch drive power;water injection well;Drilling depth capability.

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Poster发布人:   Clark Guo, CCSC Technology, Shanghai, China, 2022.08           Youtube: Clarkwellhead  

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