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Help China develop oil and gas

本刊记者/王云建 译/尹高飞 yunjian   Translator/yin gaofei

Weatherford help customer reduce cost increase production and improve recovery rate

“The green oilfields become less and less, while the brown oilfields arc entering the stage of exhaustion. The world faces the same problem." Wang Yong, general manager of General manager of Weatherford (China) Energy Services Co. Ltd. pointed out. How to use new technologies lo improve oil recovery is a problem faced by all oilGcld companies.

“全球新的油气田(绿色油田) 发现越来越少,棕色油田(brown oil-field, 即老油田)已进入衰竭期,地面 及地下环境及条件日益恶劣。当前, 世界油田面临着同样的发展难题。” 在日前的采访中,威德福亚太有限公 司中国区总经理王勇指出,如何利用 现有技术或新技术,经济高效地勘採 开发剩余油气资源和提高采收率,是油公司及油田服务公司需要并肩攻克的课题。

Solve difficult problems

Wang Yong thinks the focus of future development lies in the harsh environment oilfields development. For the oilfield service companies, technology is the key competence. We will try to use the current technologies or to develop new technologic<> to solve the problems faced by oilfields. “To produce oil and gas in the fastest, most effective and safest way.”

Weatherford, has two research and development centers I exhaled in Houston and Aberdeen with about 300 hundred people working in them. It invests about 200 million usd every year in research and development. It is 2-5% of its annual revenue. As a result, Wcaihcrfii)rd keeps its leading position in tcchnologics. In the list of oil companies' patents registered in America, Weatherford ranks second, only after Shell. Weatherford has made leur firsts in technology in history. Now Weatherford is putting more cllbrts on the development 。


面对世界性的难题,王勇认为,未 来的发展重点应是恶劣环境下的油气 田以及非常规能源的勘探开发。对油 田服务公司来说,技术是惟一的生 存力”和竞争力,要应用现有技术或 不断研发新技术解决油田实际生产难 题,”以最快、最有效、最经济的钻 井、完井和开采技术,保证油气井安 全高效投产。”

在过去十年间,针对油田实际问 题,威德福系统化地加强了技术投入, 提高了服务水平。当前,在技术研发方 向上,“威德福提出'双向发展'的战 略:横向上,一是提高油气产星,二是 提高作业效率;纵向上,一是攻坚棕色 油田——老油田;二是向环境恶劣的油 气领域努力;三是尝试非常规能源的勘 探开发。”在侧重点上,首先是完善 现有技术及工具,保障在传统领域的技 术领先性,如控制压力钻井,即欠平衡 钻井、空气钻井等;同时,不断地强化 如随钻测井MWD/LWD.地质导向等 定向钻井先进技术工具°二是不断地研 发新的未来技术,比如膨胀套管等前沿 技术。"

威德福拥有休斯敦和阿伯丁两个研发中心、七大实验室,大约300人 组成的研发中心,每年投入的研发费 用在2亿美元左右,占到全年营收的 2%~5%左右。基于这样的投入,威 德福保持了技术上的优势。在华尔街 公布的全球石油工业企业在美专利注 册中,威德福的知识产权数量排名第 二,仅次于売牌公司。如今,按照上 述战略和重点,针对大庆、辽河等国 内油田市场,威德福不断地加大欠平 衝钻井技术的研究和应用;针对稠油 开采,展开了如何提高泵效的技术研究等。

Contributing to

Chinese market

In the latest ten years development, Weatherford on one hand cooperates with Chinese counterparts. On lhe other hand, it develops its own business. According to Wang Yong, Weatherford relics on its complete services and products to take over lhe market.

First. Wcathcrftird will take its responsibility actively to provide customers technical solutions.

Weatherford took the 14 wells drilling project of Sinopec Pu guiang gas field. This project used air hammer to drill from 50 meters deep le 3500 meters deep. Compared  to conventional dri I ling, using air hammer makes the speed two times faster.

Second, Weatherford provides turn key services lo its cusiomers. By providing integrated complete service, it helps customers lo reduce their cost. For ex

Third, Weatherford, will provide special technical solution for customer's special needs. Last year, il successfully solved a problem taccd by Da Qing Oilfield Gu Long 1 well. This project is high temperature and high pressure. Weatherford's experienced engineers designed a air drilling system which successfully solved the problems.



在近十年的发展中,威德福一方面借助合作的油气田项目进入中国市场; 另一方面完全依靠自我拓展市场。后者 是威德福在中国进步很快的主要原因之 一。往往是解用户之困,救用户之急, 以此赢得了市场声誉和新的业务机会。

据王勇介绍,凭借最全面的钻井、评价、完井、生产及井下作业等专业技 术服务和产品的独特优势,威德福主要 采取了三项措施来拓展中国市场。

是主动承担项目风险,针对具体 问题,为用户提供技术解决方案。

威德福曾经承担了中石化普光气田 14口井的空气钻井工程项目。此空气 钻项目的主要目的是大幅度减少作业时 间。据介绍,该项目从50米处导管处 一直到井底约3500米深,使用空气锤 进行钻进。与过去常规方法钻同样井深 的最好记录相比,空气钻井钻速提高了 200%。所有钻过3000米深的井都只用 了不到58天的时间;其中最快的一口 井只用了33天就钻至3000米井深。该 项目使投产时间提前了一半以上。

二是油气田整体开发项目总包。为用户提供一体化的集成服务,帮助用户 减少油井勘採开发的综合成本。比如, 7月中旬,威德福正式实施中信集团辽 东湾月东油田4个人工岛165口丛式井 的钻完井总承包合同项目。月东项目总 承包范围涵盖除人工岛建设以外的所有 钻完井工程技术服务,包括项目管理、 工程设计、钻井作业、定向测斜、泥 浆、固井、打捞、套管、综合录井、电 测、射孔、油管及油泵、套管头及釆油 井口、抽油机及地面控制、以及试采投、产等服务。


去年,在实施大庆油田古龙1井 12-1/4°井段钻井作业项目中,用户 要求缩短该井钻井时间,要使用能够耐 受极度井下高温的空气或泡沫钻井(温度梯度407° C/100m),处理地层水 侵(40方/天)问题。承接该高温高压项 目,风险非常大。威德福公司经验丰富 的工程人员设计了一个空气钻井系统, 提供旋转防喷装置、浮阀、泡沫化学品 和空气钻井配套设备以及人员,利用汽 雾和泡沫钻进高温含水硬地层,显著 提高了 12-1/4"井眼的钻速:钻速从 1米/小时提髙至7.5*/小时;成功的在ample, Weatherford150。C的地层环境下使用泡沫技术, 同时解决了水侵问题。


Believe in technology

"In 2008, China's business only takes a little bit more than 1% of Weatherford's overall ten billion usd revenue. Wcalhcrfbrd, s development in China is still a little bit slow?' Wang Yong said.

"Though currently China communicates a lot with foreign countries, I still thinks China is nut doing enough in technology development. The cultural difference also hindered the dcvclopmcni of foreign companies in China.Wang Yong said.

He also said that compared lo foreign countries, the investment in research and development is still small. And domestic companies lacks confidence of new technologies due to the risk factor. This also pulls back the technological development.

     personally think the Chinese market haven't shown the urgent need lor advanced technology-" Wang Yong said. Half of Weatherford's technologies are not applied in China.

    Wang Yong is quite confident of Chinese market. "Weatherford will continue to invest. I hope Weatherford can be a partner of China's three major oil companies." Wang Yong said. P.E


在国内油田市场,国内石油系统的 油服公司、民营油服公司及外国油服公司如今三分天下",竞争相当激烈。 但在发展中,国内油公司旗下的技术工程公司有着天然的优势。

"现在,中国市场越来越开放。 通过各种媒体、展会及会议等信息渠 道,国内外技术交流的机会越来越多。但我个人认为,国内市场对现有 的一些技术仍认识不够,缺乏信心。 同时,国内外在理念上的差异,也影响了外国油服公司的发展。”王勇举 例说,比如国外用户很容易理解和接受油井的综合成本,但在国内,油井成本往往是分开来谈的。再比如,国外认为,“技术可以降低成本 国内往往单纯地"为降低成本而降低成本,实际效用却不大”

他还指出,与国外相比较,由于国内普遍在项目前期研究投入较少,工作不够,致使项目后期麻烦较多,不能很好地实现投产预期;在没有完全、正确 地认识项目之前匆匆上马,致使技术应用失败,从而极易否认该项技术。另 外,基于风险因索,对初次接触的“新技术”往往缺乏信任,这也延缓了项目的正常进行。

"我个人认为,国内市场还没有体现出对先进技术的迫切需求性”。王勇说,威德福现有的技术有还有很多没有 应用到中国市场,比如已有20年历史 的欠平衡钻井技术,这些技术都可以广 泛地应用到国内老油田的开发中。

尽管如此,王勇对未来的中国市场 很有信心。他说:"威德福依然会不断地加大投入,学会适应中国市场。希望 威德福能成为国内三大石油公司在海内外项目上值得信任和深入合作的服务公司。”威德福期望不久在垠里木油田、 长庆油田、四川油田等西南区域的市场实现突破

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Keywords关键词:助力中国油气发展;攻克油气发展难题;为中国市场效力;相信技术的能力Help China's oil and gas development; overcome the difficulties of oil and gas development; work for the Chinese market; believe in the ability of technology.

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Poster发布人:    Clark Guo, CCSC Technology, Shanghai, China, 2022.06     Youtube: Clarkwellhead  

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